This will be the last Corner for the calendar year 2022. A year like so many full of
surprises both good and bad. Those of us fortunate enough to live in countries where
not only the rule of law but the general acceptance of a balanced view of each other
is taken for granted you could say have been spoiled. Past accepted norms are
being challenged. We, conditioned by the live challenges of our industry, have to be
at least partially optimistic. The dreams are often shattered – it is indeed a great
Imagine living in Ukraine at present. I have tried desperately to find a justification in
this day and age where we watch man’s inhumanity to his fellow man on television,
like it’s entertainment. Should Russia prevail, what have they achieved? The
subjugation of 80 million people with all infrastructure destroyed. It will be a happy
I really am bemused by the decisions of our world leaders, it reminds me of my
father’s quote: “When a child, you can’t wait to be an adult only to be disappointed to
find they are just bigger versions of what they were.” The bullies will still be bullies,
the intellectuals will still be smart, the overconfident in your face won’t have changed,
the leaders will still be leaders.
Putin, ex-KGB, verses Zelenskyy, a remarkable transformation from comedic actor to
leader. Merkel, it’s hard to imagine her schoolgirl persona but it would have lacked
boyfriends. How smart she turned out to be. Shut down Germany’s source of energy
in lieu of a gas pipe through Russia, coal-fired and nuclear power plants are furiously
being reactivated.
Macron married his 20-year-older schoolteacher, obvious what he learnt. Based on
this experience, France is now supplying free condoms to those aged between 12
and 25, presumably you are allowed to breed thereafter. Imagine the difficulty in
supplying the thousands of illegal immigrants let alone the five million Muslims. Boris
was an outstanding orator; he must have been to convince at least three different
women to mate with him resulting in seven progeny. Still, I will miss his eloquence.
In South Africa, now freed from the shackles of European values, President
Ramaphosa has taken to upholstering his couches with millions of dollars.
Unfortunately for him the burglars who wanted only to refurnish their shacks got
more than they bargained for, so has the President. Mohammed bin Salman, the
anointed heir to the Presidency, found a way to silence his opponents. Greg Norman
promoting the sporting merits of Saudi Arabia with the multimillion LIV golf will be
happily giving the Prince two metre putts on their days out.
The Ayatollah of Iran hides behind Muhammad’s teachings as the justification for
hiding the beautiful Iranian women. One wonders if our own should be required to
spend time there. Food for thought.
Netanyahu re-elected more often than Boris has married, but how would you feel
surrounded by fanatical believers bearing in mind the teachings of Jesus and
Muhammad some 600 years later are still being disputed 1600 hundred years later?
Getting nearer to home one could comment on India, if we could see it. Their
concern for global warming is underwhelming, but why would they worry when our
methane reductions will save the world?
President Xi is of more concern. China’s consumption of Australian coal presumably
is a major contributor to the Green’s concerns. Better to shut down 10 Australian coal-fired power stations so China can build 60 a year. Fair dinkum, so now there is
a panic to prepare Australia for armed confrontation with their major business
partner. The request they delay this confrontation until such time as somebody
supplies Australia with nuclear powered submarines is unlikely.
Biden, oh dear what have we here. The Americans have at great expense,
sometimes very clumsily, have been the defenders of democracy as we know it. I am
very grateful to have lived through this period. But one has to be disappointed when
a country of 300 million can only offer a Biden/Trump choice. Mind you, I doubt Putin
would have invaded Ukraine had Trump been President, he would have rightly
assessed that Trump’s ego and reckless bravado would have matched his.
He obviously believed the risk of any retribution from a Biden/NATO alliance was
unlikely. So far how right he is. But shaky Joe may yet be replaced by Kamala
Harris, now even I am disappointed in this woman who I thought was half a chance.
But what an embarrassment. The woke women of the world surely can’t find a
reason to feel comfortable should she become President.
Australia, well Scott Morrison turned out to be a surprise packet, tried to be all things
to all people, which never works, so furtively had himself anointed to multiple
ministries without declaring it. There is something about these god-fearing disciples,
definitely invaded by the spirit of righteousness.
So, you get Albo. It’s not him you need to worry about, that Chris Bowen he is
something else. But this lot of Labour administration are a bunch of well-meaning,
impracticable people. I’ve had my say but I wonder if a truly pragmatic individual put
their hand up would they get sufficient support. I doubt it; “When the people that vote
for a living outnumber those that work for a living,” you know the result. Look at the
recent Victorian election. Still, being an optimist, I am going to nominate a
Queenslander to run your country, he doesn’t know it yet but his name is Ramsey.
Get behind him!
Now the Queen of them all Jacinda. We know politicians rarely tell the truth but this
lot take the prize. Winston, whom you know I supported financially (but didn’t vote
for) indirectly has given this mob an opportunity they never dreamed of. Remarkably
he doesn’t see it that way but is now preaching from the pulpit about how they are
liars. Didn’t tell him of their intention to confiscate our most precious asset: Water.
We Europeans had barrels on the sailing ships, they needn’t have bothered. Kupe
and his crew brought the water with them, enough to fill the rivers, lakes and streams
in their magnificent canoes so give back to them.
No need, the greatest of all the subterfuges, co-governance. You know where the
73% non-Māori cede their Governance rights to the 17% Māori. Of course, this was
on the table for all to see prior to the last election. You didn’t notice? Well you will
next year.
For all that, it’s Christmas – so let’s be happy and go to Church for the only time apart
from funerals. Can’t go to the races, half the tracks are declared unsafe for the first
time in 100 years. Why am I worried about all the above when I can’t get a start for
my horse?
Get your priorities right.

Miriam scores for Seth at Matamata
Waikato Stud-bred filly Miriam (ex Kym Dynasty) secured victory at Matamata over 1050m for Stephen Autridge and Craig Grylls. Digging deep to hold off Sister Cynane, she surged to win by 0.8 lengths.
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A Wish fulfilled: I Wish I Win retired, returns to Waikato Stud
From an uncertain start to a dazzling career, I Wish I Win has defied expectations at every turn. Now, the champion sprinter bids farewell to the track, retiring to Waikato Stud, where he will enjoy a well-earned rest among familiar pastures and the team who believed in him from day one.
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